High Quality | Expert-Led | Evidence- based
The Maternity Collective is delighted to provide the only Hypnobirthing Antenatal and Birth Preparation Classes led by an Obstetrician in the South-West.
Combing her expert knowledge as a practicing NHS Obstetric Doctor and having been personally trained and qualified in Hypnobirthing by Katharine Graves herself, Dr Ellie Rayner offers group and private comprehensive antenatal and birth preparation classes that support all methods of birth, using the most up-to-date, evidence-based information to support you to have a positive and empowering birth experience.
Classes are available in the South Devon (Exeter, Torquay, Plymouth) area in small groups. Private classes are also available at yours or Dr Rayner's home.
Group Classes Cost £295 per couple and include full access to The Maternity Collective's Complete Online Course, complete course note booklet and birth plan templates. It also includes ongoing telephone/email support until you meet your baby. For dates and availability please email.
Private Courses with Dr Ellie Rayner, Obstetrician Cost £495 per couple - times and dates can be decided together and also include full access to The Maternity Collective's Compete Online Antenatal Course, course notes booklet, access to private facebook page and birth plan templates. You will also have access to ongoing telephone/email support until you meet your baby. For more information on Private Birth Preparation Classes click here.
If you would like more information or to discuss small group or specific requests please contact Dr Ellie Rayner : thematernitycollective@outlook.com
face to face course on hold currently in light of covid-19 pandemic - we will be offering group and one to one classes to expectant parents via zoom
We want to provide you with the best quality of antenatal and postnatal care that you and your baby deserve. That's why our courses are taught by specialists to ensure you are always provided with up-to date information based on real-life experience.
What makes us different?
The antenatal education and class market is an unregulated area, meaning that the information provided to you could be biased and factually incorrect. It is not uncommon that the person leading the class has not seen a birth or cared for women in labour or the postnatal period. All of The Maternity Collective are practicing NHS Healthcare Professionals and unlike other course providers we have designed our course to meet everyone's needs so even if your not planning a vaginal birth or you've had a baby before and would like more expert advice this time we have a course specifically for you!