Meet The Team

Ellie Hosking
Registered Midwife
Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT) Accredited Instructor

Dr Maria Garcia
Paediatric Specialist Doctor
The Maternity Collective provides expectant parents with comprehensive, evidence-based antenatal and birth preparation classes, delivered by qualified clinicians practicing in the NHS.
We regularly heard from parents that the antenatal classes they attended weren't realistic or representative of their real birth and labour or experience and that they didn’t feel prepared for parenthood properly. It was with this in mind The Maternity Collective was born.
We recognise that your pregnancy, baby and new family deserve the best possible care from the right individuals with the appropriate qualifications and experience. Individuals that also acknowledge that no one professional can be an expert in all areas of maternity and newborn care and that working together, collaboratively, can provide expectant parents with high quality, evidenced based information in one central place.
Scroll down to meet our team and find out more information regarding our qualifications.

Dr Eleanor Rayner is an Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialist doctor working full time in Devon and founder of The Maternity Collective. After obtaining her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree from the University of Exeter she has worked across multiple hospitals within the South-West and has achieved her full Membership Qualification to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
She has specialist interests in antenatal care and the safe management of labour and birth and is a qualified hypnobirthing instructor. She is passionate about clinical education and teaching and has a achieved a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education from Cardiff University and has been recognised for her teaching ability as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is also a Federation of Antenatal Educators Accredited Instructor (FEDANT).
She has previously undertaken a South-West regional Health Services Improvement Fellowship, working on projects aimed at developing new services and care models within maternity care. As part of this fellowship, she achieved a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Services Improvement with Distinction and was awarded the Dean Commendation for her work. She is passionate about combining her knowledge and experience in Obstetrics, Medical Education and Health Services Improvement to develop high quality, expert-led antenatal classes that allow expectant parents to feel completely prepared for all eventualities.
Dr Eleanor Rayner BMBS MRCOG PgDip Med Ed PgCert Health Serv Improv FHEA DipHB (KGH)
Eleanor Hosking is a hospital midwife living and working in South Devon. With a background in hospital pharmacy, she retrained as a midwife four years ago. After obtaining a Batchelor of Science honours degree at the University of Plymouth, she worked at a large teaching hospital and high risk referral centre in London before resettling back in Devon.
She is registered and regulated with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and is a member of the Royal College of Midwives. She is also a Federation of Antenatal Educators Accredited Instructor (FEDANT).
She passionately advocates for women to ensure their decisions are respected. This led to her being asked to corroborate on a touring art show, WILD by The Birth Project.
She has a special interest in induction of labour and is hoping to introduce a midwife led post-dates clinic using complimentary therapies as an alternative to medicalised inductions.
Driven by women centred care, she is focussed on educating women with evidence based practice enabling and supporting them to make informed choices to achieve a positive experience of their journey to parenthood.
Eleanor Hosking BSc RM

Lyndsey Hookway has worked with infants, children and families for almost 20 years. With a background in paediatric nursing and public health nursing, as well as being Internationally board certified as a Lactation Consultant, she serves both families and professionals with her wealth of knowledge in infant feeding and behavior, sleep, and parenting.
An International speaker, Lyndsey regularly teaches health, lactation and childcare professionals with her unique mix of humour, current research and real world experience. She is also the co-founder and clinical director of the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, as well as the author of Holistic Sleep Coaching.
A passionate believer in gentle, responsive parenting that never compromises infant mental health or feeding, Lyndsey works to educate professionals and families about strategies that are protective of the parent-child bond. Her knowledge and experience supporting families with sleep without leaving infants or children to cry alone is why she is trusted by breastfeeding and gentle parenting advocates around the world.
Lyndsey Marianne Hookway BSC RNC HV IBCLC
Dr Maria Garcia is a paediatric specialist doctor working in the South West of England and has had wide experience in the care of children and their families. She trained at the University of Birmingham Medical School and received her MBChB in 2012. In 2018, she became a full member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH).
Dr Garcia has a background as a Physiotherapist with a special interest in paediatrics and graduated from the European University of Madrid with a BSc (Hons) degree in Physiotherapy in 2003.
She has a keen interest in health-related quality improvement work and has participated actively in different projects across Devon.
Becoming the mother of two little girls has made her even more aware of the importance of providing solid evidence-based antenatal classes. She is a firm believer in the power of high-quality education as a mean to empower new parents to look after their children.
The passion she feels for her profession as well of her own maternity is contagious and what have made her embark in this new adventure and join the Maternity Collective family